Friday, November 14, 2008

Imaginary creature

Ok la.... i admit that i'm a bit lousy la, didn't update for so long and make 'chocolate drink' to stay freeze like that. Hmm... exam time lor... everyday have to study...after study also study... and before study is also study... aiyoyo...what i'm talking!!!??
Today post is regarding to imaginary creature... Imaginary creature according to Charlesepedia is 'animal that u will think think but no exist'
Ok la...below is some of the imaginary creature ... enjoy~
Centaur-the centaurs (from ancient greek: Κένταυροι - Kéntauroi) are a race of creatures composed of part human and part horse.
Cyclops-Cyclops , is a member of a primordial race of giants, each with a single eye in the middle of its forehead
Dragon- Serpentine or otherwise Reptilian monster (or at least possessing a serpentine/reptilian part or trait), and often possessing magical or spiritual qualities.
Monkey King aka Sun Wukong- Possesses incredible strength, being able to lift his 13,500 jin (8,100 kg) Ruyi Jin Gu Bang with ease. He also has superb speed, traveling 108,000 li (54,000 km) in one somersault. Sun knows 72 transformations, which allows him to transform into various animals and objects; he is, however, shown with slight problems transforming into other people, since he is unable to complete the transformation of his tail.

Hydra- Lived in the swamps near to the ancient city of Lerna in Argolis, was a terrifying monster which like the Nemean lion was the offspring of Echidna (half maiden - half serpent),
Kraken-legendary sea monster of gargantuan size, said to have dwelt off the coasts of Norway and Iceland
Lamia- is a child-devouring Demon. She was a daughter of the god Poseidon, and the mother of the sea-monsters Skylla and Akheilos. Her name and family suggest she was originally imagined as a large, aggressive shark.
Leviathan- According to most ancient Jewish midrash, the Leviathan was created on the fifth day (Yakult, Gen. 12). Originally God produced a male and a female leviathan, but lest in multiplying the species should destroy the world, He slew the female, reserving her flesh for the banquet that will be given to the righteous on the advent of the Messiah (B. B. 74a).
Medusa- while Medusa was pregnant by Poseidon, she was beheaded by the hero Perseus, who was sent to fetch her head by King Polydectes of Seriphus. With help from Athena and Hermes, who supplied him with winged sandals, Hades' cap of invisibility, a sword, and a mirrored shield, he accomplished his quest. The hero slew Medusa by looking at her reflection in the mirror instead of directly at her to prevent being turned into stone.
Siren- dangerous bird-women, portrayed as seductresses, who lived on an island called Sirenum Scopuli. All locations were surrounded by cliffs and rocks. Seamen who sailed near were decoyed by the Sirens' enchanting music and voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast. Although they lured mariners, the sirens were not sea deities.
Goblin- A goblin is an evil, crabby, and miscevious creature described as a grotesquely disfigured or gnome-like phantom, that may range in height from that of a dwarf to that of a human.
Pegasus-winged horse that was the son of Poseidon, in his role as horse-god, and the Gorgon Medusa
a troop of male companions of Pan and Dionysus – "satyresses" were a late invention of poets – that roamed the woods and mountains.
Chimera-the Chimera was a monstrous creature of Lycia in Asia Minor, composed of the parts of multiple animals
Minotaur- creature that was part man and part bull


posted by Sweet Moment at 5:49 PM


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